| 13/09/04 The location of the engine/box is now finalised, and two engine mount points are welded in place, so the exhaust is the only other critical bit to fit in at this stage... Due to superb design, careful planning and a bit of luck, the SD1 manifolds fit straight in. Only needing a bit of shortening and a flexi bend to get a silencer (yeah right!) in before the rear valance. Now the position of the important bits is sorted the engine can come back out so I can finish the main framework in the back. With a removable section in the rear valance the engine is lifted a bit, then the shell rolled clear... A little easier than in Doris! A bit more of the temporary framework was trimmed out trimmed and the essential bits were seam welded in. It all looks a bit open at the back, but there will be a couple of bolt in cross members and a diagonal or two to stiffen things up. The shell was then rolled over to finish welding the swing arm girdery thing in. Next job is to get it painted.....
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This page last modified 08/01/2008. |